At CA, we believe the only way to master carving up the slopes is to be on the hills, which is why we are proudly home to Alberta’s largest school-based ski and snowboard club. Our talented students receive instruction in ski and snowboard control during 15 Wednesday afternoon ski trips. Our certified instructor is a CA teacher, and he’s on the hill with all of the students, shredding the fresh pow and sharing his expertise.
At Canada Olympic Park, students learn freestyle tricks and at Lake Louise Ski Hill they master all-terrain techniques. Students have the opportunity to learn and master their area of choice: be it Moguls, the Half Pipe, or working the rails. Senior students are given the opportunity to shadow instructors for a season, in our mentorship program. At the conclusion of this one-year program, students are eligible for certification as Level 1 Instructors.
In addition to their time on the hills, students learn the fundamental après-ski skills, including a weekly tuning club that helps them learn to wax and maintain their equipment. Classroom and off-season sessions feature cross training, weight training, and topics like nutrition. And in addition to all of this, students also get the opportunity to try out other sports like cross-country skiing and rock climbing.
For more information on CASSC, click here.
*Photo by Jorjdin Bardell